Based on the "Simen No 6" as the test material, the water and fertilizer coupling model and the effect of drip irrigation under the film drip irrigation were studied by using the three factors and five levels of the design of secondary universal rotary combination design method in Ningxia arid area Yanchi County Hua Machi Town Tian jizhang village. the study results showed that under the experimental conditions, the correlation coefficient of irrigation quota, nitrogen, phosphorus and yield was 0.96, and the regression relationship between water and fertilizer treatment and yield was extremely significant. The water and fertilizer coupling model could be used to forecast the yield. The order of influence of each factor on yield was irrigation quota> pure phosphorus> net nitrogen application. The interaction between the factors on the yield was water and nitrogen> nitrogen and phosphorus> water and phosphorus, and high nitrogen with high water, medium nitrogen with phosphorus production higher. The two factors of irrigation quota, nitrogen and phosphorus were determined as zero level, and the yield increased first and then decreased with the increase of the other factors. The optimal combination scheme of water and fertilizer under different target yields is obtained by model optimization, which provides theoretical guidance for the development of water - saving and fertilizer - saving, efficient utilization of water resources and the development of maize industry in arid area.
玉米 /
膜下滴灌 /
水肥耦合 /
模型 /
{{custom_keyword}} /
Key words
maize /
drip irrigation under plastic /
water and fertilizer coupling /
model /
combination scheme
{{custom_keyword}} /
: 教育部创新团队“旱区现代农业水资源高效利用”项目
( IRT1067) 。
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