
谭秀翠 王刚 王华敬 董洁

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中国农村水利水电 ›› 2018 ›› (4) : 21-27.


  • 谭秀翠 王刚 王华敬 董洁
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Spatial Evolution of Groundwater Recharge in the Northwest Plains of Shandong Under the Influence of Human Factors

  • TAN Xiu-cui,WANG Gang,WANG Hua-jing,DONG Jie
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The improved INFIL3.0 model is used to calculate groundwater recharge,and the spatial evolution of the groundwater recharge is analyzed under the influence of irrigation and urbanization in the Northwest Plains of Shandong Province. The results show that the groundwater recharge is 105mm and the recharge coefficient was 0. 13 from 2001 to 2009,and the results are validated. The spatial and temporal variability of groundwater recharge is large. In time,the inter -annual changes of groundwater recharge are larger,showing an increasing trend. There are two peaks during the year,respectively,in April and October. In space,groundwater recharge increases from northwest to southeast and spatial distribution is significantly affected by irrigation. The spatial evolution of groundwater recharge shows that there is some water-saving potential in the Northwestern Plains of Shandong Province. The expansion of urbanization will lead to a decrease in recharge. Weakly permeable area increase by 10%,groundwater recharge reduces by 10 mm. The calculation results of INFIL3.0 model can provide technical supports for regional groundwater resource evaluation.


: INFIL3.0 模型 / 鲁西北平原 / 地下水补给 / 灌溉量 / 城市化

Key words

Infil3.0 model / northwest plain of Shandong / groundwater recharge / irrigation / urbanization


高 等 学 校 博 士 学 科 点 专 项 科 研 基 金 项 目 ( 20133702120016) 。


谭秀翠 王刚 王华敬 董洁. 鲁西北平原地下水补给空间演化规律[J].中国农村水利水电, 2018(4): 21-27
TAN Xiu-cui, WANG Gang, WANG Hua-jing, DONG Jie. Spatial Evolution of Groundwater Recharge in the Northwest Plains of Shandong Under the Influence of Human Factors[J].China Rural Water and Hydropower, 2018(4): 21-27


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