The third amendment of“Regulations on Land Requisition Compensation and Resettlement for Large and Medium-sized Water Conservancy and Hydropower Projects”established the same compensation principle of “the Same Land,the Same Price”between the reservoir engineering construction and other infrastructure construction such as railways and highways,which will affect and activate the legal cognition of reservoir resettlement support,but will not erase the reservoir resettlement support value in laws.Reservoir resettlement at the late stage is not aimed at reservoir resettlement“grace”or“privilege”,nor can it simply be confused with the preferential support for poverty alleviation and development.It belongs to the right of compensation for reservoir resettlement.Based on the idea of institutional guarantee,we need to adhere to the principle of resource development and sharing under the same compensation principle of“the Same Land,the Same Price”so as to reinvent the rule of law supported by the latter,and we also need to establish and improve a more rigid system structure system,a more complete procedural guarantee mechanism and a more integrated and integrated operation mechanism
杭州市哲学社会科学规划课题成果(Z18JC119);中国法学会 2017 年度部级法学研究课题成果 ( CLS[2017]
D41);浙江省社科联重大委托课题( 2018SLWT02ZD);
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