Warning level is a characteristic water level proposed by hydraulic departments for dikes to prevent damage from floods. The warning level of rivers in some areas has been used for decades. The situation of river channel as well as flood conttol projects and the ability
of protected objects to prevent damage from floods has changed a lot. The original warning level can not meet the demands of current flood control work. It is feasible and necessary to redesign the warning level in many areas. There is little research on the drafting warning level of
rivers. In this paper,a method of calculating warning level of rivers is proposed. The method integrates the factor of hydraulic information,situation of flood control works and protected objects,then takes the main function of warning level as foundation,and points out the main
influence factor on drafting warning level. A quantitative method is proposed,which has great reference value on drafting warning level forother rivers. And also,the method provides a new idea to the study of characteristic water stage for flood-control.
警戒水位 /
防洪特征水位 /
{{custom_keyword}} /
国家重点研发计划资助( 2017YFC0405900) ; 国家自然
科学基金资助项目( 51409286)
,王 森2
,农 珊1
河流警戒水位拟定方法研究及应用[J].中国农村水利水电, 2018(7): 96-98
LI Shan-zong1
,WANG Sen2
,NONG Shan1
,LIU He-chang1.
A Study of the Drafting Warning Level of Rivers[J].China Rural Water and Hydropower, 2018(7): 96-98
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