
高超 宗睿 任玉洁 闫振兴 李全起

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中国农村水利水电 ›› 2018 ›› (8) : 31-34.


  • 高超,宗睿,任玉洁,闫振兴,李全起
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The Effect of No-tillage on Leaf Water Use Efficiency and Yield of Winter Wheat under Delayed Irrigation at the Jointing Stage

  • GAO Chao,ZONG Rui,REN Yu-jie,YAN Zhen-xing,MA Yu-zhao,LI Quan-qi
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为了在冬小麦节水栽培中寻找一种合适的耕作模式,于2015–2016年冬小麦生育期间,在山东农业大学农学实验站设置了耕作方式(免耕与常规耕作)与灌溉时间(拔节期灌溉60 mm与拔节期推迟10 d灌溉60 mm)相结合的裂区实验。研究表明,与常规耕作相比,免耕耕作使冬小麦穗数显著降低,导致减产。与常规耕作方式相比,免耕提高了冬小麦生育后期叶片水分利用效率(WUEL)。免耕条件下,拔节期推迟10 d 灌溉显著增加冬小麦穗数和穗粒数。结果表明,免耕与拔节后10 d 灌溉60 mm相结合可补偿由于免耕而引起的冬小麦籽粒产量损失。


In order to find a suitable planting pattern in the process of winter wheat cultivation in dryland,tillage methods ( no-tillage and traditional tillage) compared with irrigating time ( irrigating at jointing stage and irrigating 10 days after jointing stage ) were adopted at the Experiment Station of Shandong Agricultural University in 2015-2016 winter wheat growing seasons. The results show that compared with traditional tillage,no-tillage significantly decreased winter wheat grain yield and leaf water use efficiency ( WUEL) in flag leaves at the late growth stage of winter wheat. In no-tillage,irrigating 10 days after jointing stage significantly increased spike numbers and kernel numbers per spike,which could compensate the grain yield loss in no-tillage treatment. Considering winter wheat grain yield and leaf water use efficiency as a whole,combination of no-tillage and irrigating 10 days after jointing stage is a sound saving-water pattern in North China Plains.


冬小麦 / 免耕 / 拔节期 / 光合速率 / 产量


国家自然科学基金面上项目( 31571603) ; 山东省科技发 展计划项目( 2014GNC111002)


高超 宗睿 任玉洁 闫振兴 李全起. 免耕条件下推迟灌拔节水对冬小麦叶片水分利用效率和产量的影响[J].中国农村水利水电, 2018(8): 31-34
GAO Chao,ZONG Rui,REN Yu-jie,YAN Zhen-xing,MA Yu-zhao,LI Quan-qi. The Effect of No-tillage on Leaf Water Use Efficiency and Yield of Winter Wheat under Delayed Irrigation at the Jointing Stage[J].China Rural Water and Hydropower, 2018(8): 31-34


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