
罗 滔,周先练,邱焕峰,孙超伟,傅少君

中国农村水利水电 ›› 2019 ›› (1) : 142-147.


  • 罗滔1,周先练2,邱焕峰3,孙超伟1,傅少君4
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Finite Element Analysis of the Temperature Field of Concrete Arch Dams

  • LUO Tao1,ZHOU Xian-lian2,QIU Huan-feng2 ,SUN Chao-wei1,FU Shao-jun3
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Temperature and temperature stress induced arch dam cracking is always a hot issue in the engineering of concrete arch dams.According to the field measurement data,the development of functions about cement hydration reaction,concrete adiabatic temperature rise,water cooling air temperature and water temperature is realized by using APDL and Macro command based on ANSYS software. In order to simulate the construction process of a concrete arch dam in southwest region,the temperature field evolution of the dam is simulated and analyzed by considering batch cooling,grouting and water storage plan. The results show that the FEM simulation results of the temperature field are consistent with the field monitoring results. In the process of arch dam construction,due to the hydration reaction of concrete,the maximum temperature of dam body is up to 50 ℃,the effect of two times water cooling is obvious,and the internal temperature of dam body decreases to 16 ℃ at the end of the second water cooling. After water storage to the normal level,the internal temperature of the dam is below 16 ℃ . The temperature of top surface and the downstream surface is consistent with the air temperature,which is up to 27 ℃ . The temperature distribution of upstream surface is affected by the water temperature and is changing gradiently,wherein the lowest temperature is 15 ℃ at elevation 492m,and the highest temperature is 23 ℃ at elevation 540 m. After a year of stable operation,the internal temperature distribution of the dam is more uniform and continuous.


拱坝 / 温度场 / 施工过程 / 有限元 / 温度监测


西京学院特区人才科研启动专项基金( XJ18T02) ; 贵州省科技计划项目( 黔科合基础[2016]1154)


罗 滔,周先练,邱焕峰,孙超伟,傅少君. 西南地区某混凝土拱坝温度场有限元仿真分析[J].中国农村水利水电, 2019(1): 142-147
LUO Tao,ZHOU Xian-lian,QIU Huan-feng,SUN Chao-wei,FU Shao-jun. Finite Element Analysis of the Temperature Field of Concrete Arch Dams[J].China Rural Water and Hydropower, 2019(1): 142-147


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