In recent years,secondary salinization of the lower reaches of the Yellow River has been repeated and gradually intensified,
causing damage to agricultural production and ecological security. This paper takes the Xiaokaihe Irrigation District of the Yellow River Delta
as the study area. Based on the soil salt content and Landsat8 OLI multi-spectral imagery,the spectral curve characteristics of soil samples
are analyzed. According to the diagnostic index method,the band reflectance data with larger diagnostic index is an independent variable and
the salt salinity is the dependent variable,and the soil salt inversion model is constructed by multiple linear regression model and BP neural
network model. The results show that the higher the degree of soil salinization,the lower the spectral reflectance of the image and the highest
reflectance is in the near-infrared. The inversion accuracy of BP neural network model is better than that of the traditional multiple linear
regression model. It's R2 is 0.980 8 and RMSE is 1.059 5,the average relative error is 15.4%,and the fitting accuracy is high,which can
provide a basis for the salinization treatment in the irrigation district.
LIU En, WANG Jun-tao, CHANG Bu-hui, WANG Dong-qi.
Quantitative Remote Sensing Inversion of Soil Salinization
in Xiaokaihe Yellow River Irrigation District[J].China Rural Water and Hydropower, 2019(12): 20-24
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