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中国农村水利水电 ›› 2019 ›› (12) : 75-79.


  • 张鹏飞
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An Analysis of the Influence of Different Flood Volumes on the Water Temperature and Layered Structure of Hongjiadu Reservoir

  • ZHANG Peng-fei
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The water temperature distribution in the reservoir area has an important impact on the water ecological environment and the growth of aquatic organisms. To explore the water temperature stratification structure of Hongjiadu Reservoir under different floods,the water temperature model of Hongjiadu Reservoir is established by EFDC model. The water temperature distribution at the front end of the reservoir dam is analyzed,and the temperature difference between the three-day flood,five-day flood and seven-day flood under the surface of the reservoir and the reservoir depth of 5,20,40 and 80 m is analyzed. The results show that: Hongjiadu Reservoir 7 has an obvious water temperature stratification in the dam front section in October and October. The water temperature gradually decreases with the increase in water depth,and the temperature of the upper water body is large,and that of the lower layer is small. There is a temperature difference between the surface of the reservoir and the water at each depth and the flood duration and β. The values are all related. The better the mixing degree of the reservoir is,the smaller the temperature difference is,and the longer the temperature difference is,the longer the temperature difference is. The EFDC model can better simulate the water temperature stratification structure before the Hongjiadu Dam,and has high practicability and reliability. The research structure can provide a scientific basis for the rational operation of the reservoir.


洪量 / 水库 / 水温 / EFDC 模型 / 垂向分层

Key words

flood volume / reservoir / water temperature / EFDC model / vertical stratification


国家自然科学基金( 51409269) ; 2016 年河南省科技攻关 项目( 162102110015) 。 


张鹏飞. 不同洪量对洪家渡水库水温分层结构影响分析[J].中国农村水利水电, 2019(12): 75-79
ZHANG Peng-fei. An Analysis of the Influence of Different Flood Volumes on the Water Temperature and Layered Structure of Hongjiadu Reservoir[J].China Rural Water and Hydropower, 2019(12): 75-79


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