For gravity dams with weak foundation, the creep behavior of the bedrock causes the stress of the foundation to adjust with time. The present elastic-plastic calculation can not obtain the long-term deep sliding stability of the dam. In this paper, the creep-considered strength reduction method based on Cvisc model and the conventional elastic-plastic strength reduction method were used to calculate the deep anti-sliding stability through typical examples, and the results were compared. The results show that the safety factor of deep anti-sliding stability of gravity dam is smaller and the displacement of characteristic points is larger when the creep characteristics of bedrock are considered. When the foundation rock of gravity dam is weak and the creep characteristics are obvious, the influence of the creep characteristics of the foundation rock on the deep sliding stability of the dam must be fully considered.
关键词:蠕变 /
Cvisc模型 /
重力坝 /
深层抗滑稳定 /
{{custom_keyword}} /
Key words
Key words: creep /
Cvisc model /
gravity dam /
deep anti-sliding stability /
strength reduction method
{{custom_keyword}} /
运行安全保障关键技术”( 2018YFC0406705) ; 国家重点研发计划项目“非常规条件下大坝极限承载能力与破坏模式”( 2016YFC0401601)
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