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中国农村水利水电 ›› 2019 ›› (2) : 135-138.


  • 史贵才,施维成,代国忠
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The Application of Uniform Design Principle in Parameter Optimization of Foundation Pit Design

  • SHI Gui-cai,SHI Wei-cheng,DAI Guo-zhong
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The design of foundation pit is the process of ensuring the safety and reliability of the supporting structure and then searching for more economic and reasonable combination of design parameters by multiple trial calculations. It is highly professional and high dependence on the designer's practice experience. We treat each calculation as test and use the principle of uniform design to reasonably arrange the trial calculation scheme,which can effectively reduce the experience dependence of the designers,reduce the number of trial calculations,improve the efficiency of the foundation pit design,and ensure the safety and economy of foundation pit support structure. This research takes the foundation pit support of gravity retaining wall of cement soil mixing pile in deep soft soil area as an example. We choose the width of retaining wall,the embedded depth,the depth and width of soil reinforcement in the passive zone as parameters of the uniform design test.And based on the regression analysis of test results,we establish the approximate function relationship between the safety indexes and the design parameters. Aiming at the minimum volume of cement soil mixing gravity retaining wall,we combine the requirements of standard as the constraint conditions,establish the programming solution,and complete quickly the optimization of design parameters of the supporting structure of foundation pit. Finally,based on the principle of uniform design,we obtain the design flow chart of the foundation pit.


基坑设计 / 均匀设计 / 回归分析 / 规划求解 / 水泥土搅拌桩墙

Key words

Foundation pit design / uniform design / regression analysis / programming solution / cement soil mixing pile wall


国家自然科学基金项目( 51678083) ; 江苏省高校优秀中青年教师和校长境外研修计划


史贵才,施维成,代国忠. 均匀设计原理的基坑设计参数优选中的应用[J].中国农村水利水电, 2019(2): 135-138
SHI Gui-cai,SHI Wei-cheng,DAI Guo-zhong. The Application of Uniform Design Principle in Parameter Optimization of Foundation Pit Design[J].China Rural Water and Hydropower, 2019(2): 135-138


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