
孙 骞,冯晓波

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中国农村水利水电 ›› 2019 ›› (3) : 132-140.


  • 孙 骞1,2,冯晓波1,2
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Bayesian Approach to Identifying the Best-fit Bivariate Distribution Model for Shear Strength Parameters

  • SUN Qian1,2,FENG Xiao-bo1,2
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This paper proposes a Bayesian bivariate distribution identification method for shear strength parameters of soils and rocks. First,the characterization of bivariate distribution for shear strength parameters using Copulas is presented. Then,Monte Carlo simulations are conducted to validate the Bayesian bivariate distribution identification method. Moreover,the identification accuracy in the four methods is compared,and the main factors affecting the accuracy in the Bayesian bivariate distribution identification are identified. Finally,a total of twenty-nine sets of shear strength data are compiled to demonstrate the application of Bayesian theory bivariate distribution identification. The results indicate that with limited project-specific data and prior information,the Bayesian bivariate distribution identification method can successfully identify the best - fit bivariate distribution from a set of alternative bivariate distributions for shear strength parameters. In comparison with AIC,the Bayesian bivariate distribution identification method produces more accurate results for identifying the best -fit bivariate distribution. The sample size,correlation,the type of the true bivariate distribution and prior information of shear strength parameters has a significant impact on the accuracy of the Bayesian bivariate distribution selection method.


土体抗剪强度参数 / 二维分布模型 / 贝叶斯方法 / Copula函数


国家自然科学基金项目( 51509188)


孙 骞,冯晓波. 基于贝叶斯理论的土体抗剪强度参数最优二维分布模型识别方法 [J].中国农村水利水电, 2019(3): 132-140
SUN Qian,FENG Xiao-bo. Bayesian Approach to Identifying the Best-fit Bivariate Distribution Model for Shear Strength Parameters[J].China Rural Water and Hydropower, 2019(3): 132-140


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