Rational utilization and protection of water resources is the basic guarantee of regional sustainable development. We used the water footprint (WF) theory to calculate the WF and the WF spatial density at the county levels from 1995 to 2015 in Zhangjiakou City. The results showed that: (1) The WF of Zhangjiakou City was 11.402 million tons in 2015, however, in the next 5-10 years the WF was close to the upper limit by the policy of restricted development of water resources. (2) At the spatial scale, the average WF of Zhangjiakou City was 420 thousand tons per year, which was in the middle impact area. In the time series, the WF of the district and county was increased most significantly from 2000 to 2005. (3) At the district and county level, the average spatial density of the WF(AWF) was close to 82.7% of the average annual precipitation in 2015. Besides, the ratio of AWF to precipitation was less than 40%, which played a good role in the ecological protection of rivers in the region. (4) To restrict the development scale of agriculture and animal husbandry at Wanquan, Xuanhua, Huailai and Zhuolu County, guarantying the ecological and water restoration for Yanghe river and Guanting reservoir.
水足迹 /
区县尺度 /
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国家重点研发计划重点专项项目( 2016YFC0503007) ;
国家 水 体 污 染 控 制 与 治 理 科 技 重 大 专 项 项 目
( 2015ZX07203-005)
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