
任逍迪, 李继清, 纪昌明

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中国农村水利水电 ›› 2019 ›› (7) : 77-82.


  • 任逍迪,李继清,纪昌明
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Multi-scale Analysis of Runoff Variation before and after the Three Gorges Reservoir

  • REN Xiao-di,LI Ji-qing,JI Chang-ming
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The runoff time series is complex and variable,and there are both non-periodic components ( trends,mutations,etc.) and multi -scale periodic variations. The multi - scale analysis of hydrological runoff is of great value. In this paper,the pole - symmetric mode decomposition ( ESMD) method is used to analyze the modal decomposition and time-frequency analysis of the long-term measured runoff of Yichang Hydrological Station. The trend,sudden change and periodic variation of the runoff at the station are obtained at different time scales. The runoff variation law before and after the storage of the Three Gorges Reservoir is carried out. The results obtained by the ESMD method are verified by Mann-Kendall ( MK) method,wavelet transform method and Hilbert-Huang transform method in the traditional runoff analysis method. The results show that before and after the Three Gorges Reservoir,the runoff at different time scales had the sudden change point around June 2003,and the trend items showed an insignificant decreasing trend,indicating the official water storage to runoff of the Three Gorges Project. It has obvious influences; the cycle of year,month and day shows consistency,which proves that runoff research has nesting on different scales,and ESMD method has better application effect on runoff multi-scale analysis.


径流分析 / 多尺度分析 / 极点对称模态分解( ESMD) 方法 / 三峡水库

Key words

runoff analysis / multi-scale analysis / pole-symmetric mode decomposition ( ESMD) method / Three Gorges Reservoir


国家自然科学基金( 51641901) ; 国家重点研发计划项目 ( 2016YFC0402208,2017YFC0405906) 。


任逍迪, 李继清, 纪昌明. 三峡调蓄前后径流变化的多尺度分析 [J].中国农村水利水电, 2019(7): 77-82
REN Xiao-di, LI Ji-qing, JI Chang-ming. Multi-scale Analysis of Runoff Variation before and after the Three Gorges Reservoir[J].China Rural Water and Hydropower, 2019(7): 77-82


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