As a major component of the water crisis, water shortage and water environmental pollution are widespread in the process of social and economic development in Jilin Province. In this regard, from the five subsystems of population, economy, ecology, water resources and water environment, the system dynamic model of water resources carrying capacity system in Jilin Province was established, and the status continuation type, water saving type, environmental protection type and comprehensive coordination type were adopted. The results show that the status continuation type is the worst in both water quantity and water quality, which is the worst solution; water-saving water quantity type and environmental protection type have made achievements in alleviating water supply and demand pressure and improving water environment quality, respectively. The comprehensive coordination type is excellent in both the water quantity and the water quality, and is the optimal solution. In 2025, the water resources carrying capacity of the four types is ranked as comprehensive coordination type > environmental protection type > water saving type > status continuation type.
吉林省 /
水资源承载力 /
系统动力学 /
{{custom_keyword}} /
Key words
Jilin Province /
water resources carrying capacity /
system dynamics /
scenario simulation
{{custom_keyword}} /
国家重点研发计划项目 ( 2016YFC0401305;
2017YFC0506603) ; 国家自然科学基金重点项目
( 41530635)
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