In recent years, the Dutch water control concept has undergone a subversive change. It has been transformed from the “water competition” that has lasted for centuries to today's “return to the river”. In the 21st century, it was implemented in the river plan and became a new water control. The Yuhe River Project consists of 34 sub-projects. The main engineering measures are divided into 9 categories. It advocates the coordinated development of water conservancy project construction and spatial planning, maximizing the flood control safety and space quality, and fully embodying the advanced Dutch water control concept and superb engineering technology. Through the background introduction of the implementation of the river plan, typical case analysis, engineering practice influences the reasons, concept connotation and specific engineering design features of the new concept, and provides a reference for the innovation of water control concept and water management strategy in China. Finally, it concludes the enlightenment of the Dutch implementation of room for the river, including the concept of water management from “contending” to “yielding”, the strategy of water management from “single” to “multiple”.
还地于河 /
荷兰治水理念 /
{{custom_keyword}} /
Key words
room for the river /
water management concept /
engineering measures
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王江波, 陈敏, 苟爱萍.
还地于河计划:荷兰新治水理念的发展与启示[J].中国农村水利水电, 2020(10): 77-87
WANG Jiang-bo , CHEN Min , GOU Ai-ping.
lan of Room for the River: The Development and Enlightenment of New Water Management Concept in Dutch[J].China Rural Water and Hydropower, 2020(10): 77-87
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