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中国农村水利水电 ›› 2020 ›› (11) : 143-146.


  • 翟厚松
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A Comparison of Practical Measurement and Estimation of Effective Utilization Coefficient of Irrigation Water in Pishihang Irrigation District

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我国是一个水资源严重短缺的国家,农业用水占全部用水总量的一半以上,因此测算农田灌溉水有效利用系数、评估农业用水效率成为重要的课题。以2019年安徽省淠史杭灌区的淠河总干渠为实例,利用安徽省淠史杭灌区灌溉试验站的多年试验资料为基础估算灌溉水有效利用系数,并与首尾法测定结果进行对比。结果表明,2019年淠河总干渠灌溉片的灌溉水有效利用系数实测值为0.52,估算值为0.53。估算所得的净灌水量、灌溉水有效利用系数与实测法值的均方根误差(RMSE)分别为17.982 5和0.014 1,标准化均方根误差(MSR)分别为3.60%和1.39%,具有较好的准确性和稳定性,说明在特定条件下估算可以作为一种有效的测算灌溉水有效利用系数的方法,亦可用于大型灌区验证实测数据的准确性和可靠性。


China is a country with severe water shortage. Agricultural water accounts for more than half of the total water consumption. Therefore, measuring the effective utilization coefficient of farmland irrigation water and assessing agricultural water efficiency have become important topics. This paper takes the Pihe Main Canal in Pishihang Irrigation District of Anhui Province in 2019 as an example, and uses the multi-year data of the Irrigation Experimental General Station in Pishihang Irrigation District of Anhui Province to estimate the irrigation water utilization coefficient and compare it with the first-place method. The results show that the measured value of the effective utilization factor of irrigation water for the irrigation channel of the Pihe Canal in 2019 is 0.52, and the estimated value is 0.53. Compared with measured methods, the RMSE of net irrigation from is estimation method 17.982 5, 0.014 1, and MSR is 3.60%, 1.39%, with better accuracy and stability indicating that the estimation method can be used as an effective method for measuring the effective utilization coefficient of irrigation water, and can also be used to verify the accuracy of data for large-scale irrigation districts.


灌溉水有效利用系数 / 实测法 / 估算法 / 对比分析

Key words

effective utilization coefficient of irrigation water / measurement method / estimation method / comparative analysis


翟厚松. 淠史杭灌区灌溉水有效利用系数实测与估算法比较[J].中国农村水利水电, 2020(11): 143-146
ZHAI HOU-SONG. A Comparison of Practical Measurement and Estimation of Effective Utilization Coefficient of Irrigation Water in Pishihang Irrigation District[J].China Rural Water and Hydropower, 2020(11): 143-146


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