In order to respond quickly to urban storms and floods, an urban storm flood model is constructed based on cellular automata to quickly simulate the flood evolution process in the event of a heavy rain. It is necessary to set the rules of runoff generation and confluence that meet the characteristics of the city's complex underlying surface, and fully consider various runoff generation factors and solutions under special circumstances. Case study of the main urban area of Jinan City is carried out. The results show that the cellular automata can obtain reliable results in addition to the advantages of fast calculation in large area flood simulation. The calculated submerged water depth and measured data are approximate. Compared with traditional models based on mathematical physics equations, the cellular automata model has low data requirements and intuitive expression, and can be well applied to urban flood evolution simulation. Key words:
城市雨洪 /
元胞自动机 /
产汇流计算 /
{{custom_keyword}} /
Key words
urban flood /
cellular automata /
runoff calculation /
submerged water depth
{{custom_keyword}} /
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