
刘冬雨 郭子玉 冯萃敏 冉强三 张炯

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中国农村水利水电 ›› 2020 ›› (2) : 72-76.


  • 刘冬雨1,2,郭子玉3,冯萃敏1,冉强三1,张炯3
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Monitoring Effect Analysis of the Repairing Broken Wires of Ultra-large Diameter PCCP Pipeline

  • LIU Dong-yu1,2 ,GUO Zi-yu3 ,FENG Cui-min1 ,RAN Qiang-san1 ,ZHANG Jiong3
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稿件信息 +




Although ultra-large diameter PCCP pipeline has been widely used in large-scale water diversion projects in China, its wire breakage repair technology is still immature, and there is little analysis on the effect of wire breakage repair, and there are few related literatures based on engineering practice. Fracture of prestressed steel wire has been already appeared in a ultra-large diameter PCCP Water Conveyance Project in China, In order to avoid interruption of water supply, in addition to the reinforcement measures of pasting carbon fiber cloth and coating epoxy coating on the broken area of PCCP pipe, measures such as soil settlement monitoring, groundwater level monitoring and real-time wire breakage monitoring are added to monitor and protect the ultra-large diameter PCCP water conveyance project. The protection method after wire breakage repair is introduced in detail, and the repair effect is analyzed by monitoring data, in order to apply this technology to engineering practice more.


预应力钢筒混凝土管道PCCP / 断丝修复 / 监测效果分析

Key words

PCCP / broken wire repair / monitoring effect analysis


北京市科技计划项目( Z171100000517007) ; 北京建筑大 学研究生创新项目( PG2019044)


刘冬雨 郭子玉 冯萃敏 冉强三 张炯. 超大口径PCCP管道断丝修复后的监测效果分析[J].中国农村水利水电, 2020(2): 72-76
LIU Dong-yu,GUO Zi-yu ,FENG Cui-min,RAN Qiang-san ,ZHANG Jiong. Monitoring Effect Analysis of the Repairing Broken Wires of Ultra-large Diameter PCCP Pipeline[J].China Rural Water and Hydropower, 2020(2): 72-76


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