Parameter estimation is an important part of system identification, and the final accuracy of modeling is determined by the effectiveness of its method. Hydraulic turbine regulating system is a complex non-linear system, and its parameters will change with the operating conditions. At the same time, the actual measurement signal is affected by the environment and is mixed with irrelevant information such as noise, which will increase the difficulty of parameter identification. Therefore, the applicability and accuracy of the parameter identification method for different operating and testing conditions, and the identifiability of the parameters are worthy of a further study. Based on a variety of intelligent optimization algorithms and two experimental conditions, the effectiveness and accuracy of each identification algorithm under various identification scenarios as well as the identifiability of parameters are compared and studied in this paper. The results show that the biogeography-based optimization algorithm has high and stable performance under various identification conditions.
智能优化算法 /
参数辨识 /
水轮机调节系统 /
功率模式 /
{{custom_keyword}} /
Key words
intelligent optimization algorithm /
parameter identification /
hydro-turbine governing system /
power mode /
no-load mode
{{custom_keyword}} /
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