
顾玉娇 杨肖丽 任立良 李文婷 高甜

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中国农村水利水电 ›› 2020 ›› (8) : 177-181.


  • 顾玉娇1,杨肖丽1,任立良1,2,李文婷1,高甜1
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The Evaluation of the Influence of Sanzuodian Reservoir on Downstream Runoff Based on RVA and PCA

  • GU Yu-jiao1 ,YANG Xiao-li1 ,REN Li-liang1,2 ,LI Wen-ting1 ,GAO Tian1
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稿件信息 +




Based on the daily average flow data of Chutoulang Hydrologic Station from 1971 to 2016, the RVA is applied to comprehensively evaluate the impact of Sanzuodian Reservoir on river runoff hydrological situation. Due to the correlation among many hydrological indicators, the PCA method selects the three most relevant hydrological indicators among the 33 indicators, monthly flows for June, the 30day minimum average flow rate and zero-flow days. After the establishment of Sanzuodian Reservoir, monthly flows for June decreased by 68%, the hydrologic change degree was 41%, the 30-Day minimum average flow rate decreased by 88.48%, the hydrologic change degree was 48%, zero-flow days increased by 3191%, and the hydrologic change degree was 62%. As a result, the downstream flow rate showed a gradual decrease trend and the hydrologic regime of river is moderately changed by human activities.


变化范围法 / 三座店水库 / 主成分分析法 / 水文情势

Key words

the RVA method / Sanzuodian reservoirs / the PCA method / flow regimes


“十三五”国家重点研发计划项目批准号“全球变化背景下陆 地 水 文 极 端 事 件 演 变 及 趋 势 预 测 ” ( 2016YFA0601504) ; 国家自然科学基金面上项目“气候变化背景下黄河流域干旱情景预估与响应机制研究” ( 51579066)


顾玉娇 杨肖丽 任立良 李文婷 高甜. 基于RVA法和PCA法评估三座店水库对下游径流的影响[J].中国农村水利水电, 2020(8): 177-181
GU Yu-jiao ,YANG Xiao-li ,REN Li-liang ,LI Wen-ting ,GAO Tian. The Evaluation of the Influence of Sanzuodian Reservoir on Downstream Runoff Based on RVA and PCA[J].China Rural Water and Hydropower, 2020(8): 177-181


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