针对中部引黄工程取水口预留岩坎围堰周边环境复杂、距建(构)筑物近和岩坎采用钢管桩加固的特点,采用减震孔、预裂孔和主炮孔相结合、分区单耗、分段装药、控制单段药量、非电毫秒雷管延时起爆的一次性整体爆破拆除方案。对减震孔、预裂孔和主炮孔的爆破参数分别进行了设计,对爆渣块度按照≤50 cm的要求进行了控制及预测。通过控制最大单段药量对保护对象的振动安全进行了校核,并制定了相应防护措施。本次爆破过程岩坎破碎均匀,未见飞石,未对周边建(构)筑物造成破坏,总体效果较好。
The reserved rock ridge cofferdam for the intake of circulating water of middle yellow projection has the characteristics of complex surrounding environment, closed to the construction and building and reinforced with steel piles in the previous procedure. In order to solve those difficulties, a one-time overall blasting demolition scheme is adopted, which is composed of damping hole, pre-splitting hole blasting and primary hole blasting, unit consumption and charging in sections, controlling the quantity of single period charges, the non-electric detonator and delayed millisecond initiation. In this paper, the blasting parameters of damping hole, pre-splitting hole blasting and primary hole blasting are designed. The degree of blasting residue is controlled and predicted according to the requirement of ≤ 50 cm. The protected object safety control under blasting vibration is checked by controlling the maximum single period charge, and the corresponding protective measures are proposed. The blasting effect is good, rock ridge is broken evenly, no flying stone is found, and no damage is done to the surrounding buildings.
岩坎 /
围堰 /
拆除爆破 /
{{custom_keyword}} /
Key words
rock ridge /
cofferdam /
demolition blasting /
blasting parameters
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