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中国农村水利水电 ›› 2020 ›› (9) : 117-121.


  • 田丹1,石朋1,2,林子珩1,瞿思敏1,2,曾华楠1,吴安琪1,陆美霞1
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The Application of Shanbei Model Based on the Dual Runoff Module in Semi-arid Areas

  • TIAN Dan1 ,SHI Peng1,2 ,LIN Zi-heng1 ,QU Si-min1,2 ,ZENG Hua-nan1 ,WU An-qi1 ,LU Mei-xia1
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Due to the significant restoration of vegetation coverage in the Yellow River Basin, the traditional Shanbei Model based on a single infiltration excess runoff module is no longer applicable to this basin. Based on this problem, an improved Shanbei model has been proposed considering the effect of the saturation excess runoff, which constructs a combination model based on infiltration-excess and saturation-excess runoff module. The traditional model and the improved model are applied and compared in the Yiluo River Lingkou Basin of the middle steam of the Yellow River respectively, and the applicability of the improved model is discussed. The results show that the improved model has higher simulation accuracy, and it is more suitable for the flood calculation in the area, which shows a certain engineering application value.


陕北模型 / 超渗-蓄满双产流模式 / 黄河流域 / 半干旱地区

Key words

Shanbei model / infiltration-excess and saturation-excess runoff module / Yellow River basin / semi-arid areas


国家自然科学基金重点项目( 41730750)


田丹,石朋,林子珩,瞿思敏,曾华楠,吴安琪,陆美霞. 双产流模式陕北模型在半干旱地区的应用研究[J].中国农村水利水电, 2020(9): 117-121
TIAN Dan ,SHI Peng ,LIN Zi-heng,QU Si-min ,ZENG Hua-nan ,WU An-qi ,LU Mei-xia. The Application of Shanbei Model Based on the Dual Runoff Module in Semi-arid Areas[J].China Rural Water and Hydropower, 2020(9): 117-121


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