The flood diversion and storage area directly suffers a large inundation loss when undertaking the task of flood diversion. Taking the Dujiatai flood diversion and storage area in Hubei Province as the study case, using a combined method of investigation and comprehensive analysis, this paper analyzes the changing characteristics of flood storage operation loss through introducing property loss coefficient and flood-hit population coefficient, and preliminarily discusses the strategies for promoting flood storage area construction based on the changes in its utilization probability. The results reveal the following points: The property loss and flood-hit population caused by flood area operation both increase significantly with time, and the growth rate of property loss is larger than that of flood-hit population. The reduction of utilization probability of flood storage area in the main stream and tributaries of the Yangtze River, directly reduces the probability and severity of the flood losses caused by flood storage area operation and raises the flood control level in flood storage area. By providing special policies, enhancing guidance, strengthening construction of flood control facilities and completing the compensation mechanism of flood storage area operation, the comprehensive flood control and security capacity can be improved and the smooth operation of flood storage area can be ensured.
防洪 /
分蓄洪区 /
分洪损失 /
{{custom_keyword}} /
Key words
flood control /
flood diversion and storage areas /
flood diversion losses /
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