朱奎, 强思远, 母小苗, 刘唐琼, 李杰
Influence of Different Rainfall Characteristics on Runoff Process
Rainfall is an important factor affecting hillslope runoff, different rainfall characteristics will change the runoff process. In order to explore the coupling influence of rainfall patterns and peak amount on the hillslope runoff process, two rainfall patterns with unique rain intensity processes that fall in the early and late periods of the entire rainfall process are designed. The simulation experiment of rainfall runoff is carried out. A mathematical model of hillslope runoff based on motion wave equation is constructed, the virtual working condition simulation of the rainfall runoff process is carried out. The variation law of runoff characteristic value with rainfall characteristic is analyzed. It is concluded that with the increase in rainfall peak, the runoff volume and runoff peak value generated by the two rain patterns both increase exponentially, and showing a linear correlation under same rainfall pattern. For different rain types, when the rainfall amount and duration are the same, the posterior peak rainfall produces about 1/4 more runoff than the anterior peak rainfall.
降雨雨型 / 数值模拟 / 运动波模型 / 径流特征值 / 模拟工况 {{custom_keyword}} /
rainfall characteristics / numerical simulation / motion wave model / runoff eigenvalue / simulate working condition {{custom_keyword}} /
表1 试验土壤粒径分配Tab.1 Particle size distribution of test soil |
土质 | 粒径/mm | 占比/% |
细沙粒/粉粒 | <0.25 | 4.2 |
中沙粒 | 0.25~0.50 | 6.1 |
粗沙粒 | 0.5~1.0 | 21.8 |
石砾 | 1~5 | 67.9 |
其他 | >5 | 0 |
图3 不同降雨特性的实测径流特征值对比Fig.3 Comparison of measured values of runoff processes of different rainfall and rainfall patterns |
表2 特征值拟合结果Tab.2 Fitting results of characteristic values |
特征值 | 前峰型降雨 | 后峰型降雨 |
径流峰值 | y=0.001 x+0.01 | y=0.001 7 x+0.008 5 |
峰现时 | y =-49.743 x+771.16 | y=-193.5 x+1 470.6 |
径流总量 | y=3.184 5 e0.153 3 x | y=2.8976 e0.260 3 x |
径流系数 | y=0.018 9 x+0.049 4 | y=0.029 9 x+0.046 5 |
表3 参数取值Tab.3 Parameter value |
参数 | 稳定下渗率/(m | 初始下渗率/( m | 曼宁系数 | 渗透系数/( m |
值 | 0.012 | 0.09 | 0.03 | 0.02 |
表4 径流实测值与模拟值特征值拟合度Table 4 Fitted of the measured and simulated values |
降雨雨型 | R 2 | NSE |
前峰Ⅰ型 | 0.401 | 0.303 |
前峰Ⅱ型 | 0.942 | 0.930 |
后峰Ⅰ型 | 0.951 | 0.916 |
后峰Ⅱ型 | 0.974 | 0.918 |
无峰型 | 0.729 | 0.409 |
图6模拟工况径流特征值拟合曲线Fig.6 Characteristic values of runoff process under simulated operating conditions |
表5 模拟工况特征值拟合Tab.5 Fitting of simulated working conditions |
特征值 | 前峰型降雨 | R 2 | 后峰型降雨 | R 2 |
径流峰值 | 0.002 3 e0.495 7 x | 0.99 | 0.001 6 e0.5 x | 0.97 |
径流总量 | 1.226 3 e0.494 3 x | 0.98 | 0.645 6 e0.581 2 x | 0.95 |
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