陈华, 田冰茹, 闫鑫, 陈燕平, 朱迪, 刘炳义, 王俊, 香天元, 王兵兵, 陈杰, 王金星
Research on the Safe Operation and Management Mode of Small Reservoir in China
In China, the inadequate operation management system and low informatization have led to the economic benefit attenuation and potential security risks of small reservoirs. On the basis of sorting out the current situation and problems in small reservoir management, the characteristics and focus of safe operation and management of small reservoirs are summarized. Four principles that should be followed in safety operation and management of small reservoir are clarified, several suggestions are made for its management. Based on the management mode of small reservoirs in Luquan District, Shijiazhuang, it is proposed that the property-based and information-based management mode can enhance the management efficiency of small reservoirs, which serves as a reference for the realization of safe and long-term operation of small reservoirs.
小型水库 / 管理模式 / 安全运行 / 多元化 / 信息化 {{custom_keyword}} /
small reservoir / management mode / operation safety / diversification / informatization {{custom_keyword}} /
表1 2019年中国大陆各省已建成小型水库数量Tab.1 The number of small reservoirs completed in China by 2019 |
省 份 | 数量/座 | 省 份 | 数量/座 | 省 份 | 数量/座 | 省 份 | 数量/座 |
全国合计 93 390 | |||||||
湖南 | 13 643 | 江西 | 10 393 | 广东 | 7 969 | 四川 | 7 961 |
湖北 | 6 572 | 山东 | 5 673 | 云南 | 6 435 | 安徽 | 5 954 |
广西 | 4 245 | 浙江 | 4 086 | 福建 | 3 469 | 重庆 | 2 959 |
河南 | 2 362 | 贵州 | 2 292 | 吉林 | 1 454 | 黑龙江 | 847 |
陕西 | 1 012 | 海南 | 1 019 | 河北 | 992 | 江苏 | 901 |
辽宁 | 673 | 新疆 | 478 | 山西 | 532 | 内蒙古 | 496 |
甘肃 | 336 | 宁夏 | 290 | 青海 | 168 | 西藏 | 99 |
北京 | 66 | 天津 | 14 | 上海 | 0 |
图1 “水库管家”智慧云平台主界面Fig.1 Main interface of “Reservoir Manager” smart cloud platform |
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