Current Issue

    15 April 2021, Issue 4
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  • Huai-jun WANG, Lei CAO, Ming-xian XIAO, Ru FENG
    China Rural Water and Hydropower. 2021, (4):  1-9. 
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    Climate change and human activities have caused extreme climate events to be non-stationary, and traditional stationarity analysis is unable to correctly reveal the true spatiotemporal variability. The daily temperature and precipitation data of 1960-2018 from 70 stations is used to calculate climate extremes commonly used in the Huaihe River Basin. Additionally, the non-stationary generalized extreme value distribution (GEV) and generalized Pareto distribution (GPD) model are used to interpret spatial distribution of return level. The main results are as follows: ① The low temperature extremes (Tmingpd and Tnn) shows a significant increasing trend, with a change magnitudes of 0.16 d/a and 0.04 ℃/a, respectively. Other climate extremes (TmaxgpdTxxPregpd and Rx1day) all show no significant changes. ② Different stationarity test will lead to a certain difference in stationarity results for a time series. In general, Tmingpd and Tnn are non-stationary, Preggpd and Rx1day are stationary, and Tmaxgpd and Txx are relatively complex with stationary and non-stationarity exist at the same time in the Huaihe River Basin; ③ The 30-year return level of low temperature extremes (TnnTmingpd) change from south to north, reflecting the influence of latitude zonality. The high temperature extremes (TxxTmaxgpd) decreases from the east to the west, reflecting the thermal regulation of the ocean. The precipitation extremes (Rx1dayPregpd) gradually decrease from southeast to northwest, reflecting the gradual weakening of the East Asian monsoon. The research can further improve the scientific understanding of the spatial and temporal distribution of extreme climate events, and provide scientific basis and theoretical support for water resources management and regional disaster prevention and mitigation in the Huaihe River Basin.

  • Yi-ming HU, Xu-yi LUO, Zhong-min LIANG, Yang LIU
    China Rural Water and Hydropower. 2021, (4):  10-15. 
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    Different CMIP5 GCMs have different abilities to simulate precipitation, and the uncertainties are bigger. In this paper, Vine Copula is used to construct a multivariate joint probability distribution model between different GCMs and observed precipitation, and the conditional distribution function of the observed precipitation under the condition of model precipitation is deduced, according to which, the multi-model precipitation is synthesized to improve the accuracy of simulation and prediction. An example study is carried out by taking the area precipitation during 1961-2005 in the basin above Wuzhou Station as an example. The Taylor diagram is utilized to optimally select 6 GCMs with good comprehensive simulation ability from 12 GCMs, and then the joint distribution of observed precipitation and simulated precipitation of 6 GCMs is established by C-Vine and D-Vine Copula respectively. C-Vine Copula is selected as the synthesis model of multi-model precipitation based on AIC, BIC and log-likelihood value index. The results show that the accuracy of multi-model synthesis precipitation obtained by C-Vine Copula is higher than any single model, and also better than multi-model ensemble mean.

  • Chang-ming JI, Hao-yu MA, Yang PENG, Ning-ning LI
    China Rural Water and Hydropower. 2021, (4):  16-21. 
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    Drought is a natural disaster with complex formation mechanism, and its serious harm to human society promotes the development of drought prediction technology. In this paper, to improve the level of drought forecast in Huaihe River Basin, the standardized precipitation evapotranspiration index (SPEI) is used to monitor the drought condition, and the joint distribution of multi-dimensional variables is established by employing the regular vine (R-vine) Copula model. El Nino-Southern Oscillation (ENSO), Central ENSO (ENSO Modoki), North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO), Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) and Arctic Oscillation (AO) are taken as predictors to enhance the prediction accuracy of drought level transfer based on SPEI. The results show that the R-vine Copula model performs well in evaluating the impact of climatic indices on drought transfer probability, and that multi-dimensional indices can better improve the prediction accuracy compared with single-dimensional indices, which is consistent with the fact that regional meteorological drought is affected by various climatic factors. This paper provides new insights for research in drought transfer under the influence of multi-dimensional climatic indices.

  • Li-ping WANG, Yue-qiu WU, Yan-ke ZHANG, Pei ZHANG
    China Rural Water and Hydropower. 2021, (4):  22-26,32. 
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    In the traditional reservoir multi-objective optimal operation scheme decision-making, the influence of uncertainty inflow runoff is often ignored. To solve the problem, the interval number was selected as the evaluation index, and the upper and lower limits of the interval number were the maximum and minimum values obtained by the optimal calculation when the simulated inflow runoff considering the prediction error of inflow runoff was taken as the input. Based on the subjective weight of analysis method and objective weight of critical method, the game theory combination model was used to combine the comprehensive weights. The VIKOR model was modified to improve the reliability and rationality of evaluation index weight. Then this method was applied to the multi-objective operation scheme decision-making of Three Gorges reservoir. The result shows that the decision-making result is basically consistent with the actual runoff process. That indicates the rationality and practicability of the method, and provides a new way for the multi-objective operation scheme decision-making of reservoir when the inflow runoff is uncertainty.

  • Zhen GAO, Ben-sheng HUANG, Xiao-hong CHEN, Jing QIU
    China Rural Water and Hydropower. 2021, (4):  27-32. 
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    Multi-source remote sensing precipitation estimates with high spatial and temporal resolution have provided hydrologists a potential alternative source for hydrological simulations in ungauged or poorly gauged basins, especially for the medium- and small-size rivers lack of consistent and long-term records. This study evaluates the accuracy and performance of the five remote sensing precipitation products (NLDAS2, Stage IV, TMPARP, TMPART, and IMERG) against CPC-U and then estimates their hydrological performance with the distributed hydrologic model DRIVE (Dominant river tracing-Routing Integrated with Variable Infiltration Capacity Environment) during 2002-2013 over the Iowa-Cedar River basin, a mid-size basin in Iowa. Results indicate that: ① NLDAS2 and Stage IV perform better than the other three datasets against CPC-U data at daily scale, and IMERG correlates slightly better than TMPARP; these four precipitation products can well capture the precipitation events with the CC (correlation coefficient) values 0.63~0.8, the BIAS (relative bias) values are -0.21%~15.37%, and the POD (probability of detection) values 0.61~0.74, while TMPART performs the worst. ② Using the same calibrated parameter sets from the Iowa-Cedar River basin, NLDAS2, CPC-U, Stage IV, and TMPARP-driven distributed hydrologic model performs good with the NSCE (Nash-Sutcliffe coefficient of efficiency) values of 0.82, 0.80, 0.79, and 0.63, respectively; while IMERG and 3B42RT performs poorly overall with the NSCE value of 0.46 and -1.09. Comparison shows that NLDAS2 and Stage IV precipitation products demonstrate the good hydrologic utility in the Iowa-Cedar River basin, followed by TMPARP and IMERG, indicating that multi-source remote sensing-based precipitation estimates is more suitable for flood modeling.

  • Kui ZHU, Si-yuan QIANG, Xiao-miao MU, Tang-qiong LIU, Jie LI
    China Rural Water and Hydropower. 2021, (4):  33-37. 
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    Rainfall is an important factor affecting hillslope runoff, different rainfall characteristics will change the runoff process. In order to explore the coupling influence of rainfall patterns and peak amount on the hillslope runoff process, two rainfall patterns with unique rain intensity processes that fall in the early and late periods of the entire rainfall process are designed. The simulation experiment of rainfall runoff is carried out. A mathematical model of hillslope runoff based on motion wave equation is constructed, the virtual working condition simulation of the rainfall runoff process is carried out. The variation law of runoff characteristic value with rainfall characteristic is analyzed. It is concluded that with the increase in rainfall peak, the runoff volume and runoff peak value generated by the two rain patterns both increase exponentially, and showing a linear correlation under same rainfall pattern. For different rain types, when the rainfall amount and duration are the same, the posterior peak rainfall produces about 1/4 more runoff than the anterior peak rainfall.

  • Shao-feng YAN, Yao XIONG, Wen-hao LI
    China Rural Water and Hydropower. 2021, (4):  38-44,56. 
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    In recent years, with the aggravation of human influence and the rapid development of social economy, the surface water coverage has been decreasing gradually. It is difficult to accurately analyze the variation characters of surface water area in Hubei province due to the influence of wide research scope and statistical difficulty. In this paper, the Google Earth Engine platform (GEE) is used to calculate and analyze the variation characters of surface water cover in Hubei province and its administrative regions. The results showed that between 2000 and 2018, the decreasing of surface water coverage in Hubei province was significant, with a area decreasing of 1 886.5 km2. Among the administrative regions, the surface water area of Jingzhou, Wuhan and Xiangyang decreased significantly, the area is 450, 364.8 and 210.8 km2, respectively. The seasonal characteristics of surface water cover in Hubei province are obvious and the surface area covered for 12 months is 46.4% of the total surface area. The analysis of the variation characters of land cover types in Hubei province shows that the permanent surface area of Hubei province is relatively small, and the seasonal surface area is larger. It is significantly affected by flood and waterlogging disasters, which involves a large range.

  • Cheng-peng ZHANG, Feng-e ZHANG, Xin-xin GENG, Wei WANG, Jun-jie JI
    China Rural Water and Hydropower. 2021, (4):  45-50,56. 
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    In order to study the hydrological response of land use change in the typical Karst Basin, Daotian River SWAT model is constructed. The model is used to discuss the law of flow variation, the change rule of subbasin runoff yield and regulation and storage capacity under different land use situations. Results show that the SWAT model after parameter calibration performs well in simulating the monthly flow of the Daotian River. The conversion of grass land to cultivated land will lead to the increase in flow and the decrease in regulation and storage capacity; the conversion of forest land and grass land to cultivated land can easily change the water yield of subbasin, while the conversion of grass land to forest land cannot easily change the water yield of subbasin; the conversion of forest land to cultivated land, grassland to cultivated land and grassland to forest land will weaken the regulation and storage capacity of subbasin, especially the conversion of grassland to cultivated land. The research results are of great significance for reducing drought and flood disasters and preventing rock desertification in Karst areas.

  • Xin YU, Hao ZHANG, Qi ZHANG, Yan-fei SHI
    China Rural Water and Hydropower. 2021, (4):  51-56. 
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    The spatial distribution characteristics of temperature and precipitation combination have significant influences on agricultural production and resource utilization. Based on the set pair analysis method and daily precipitation and temperature data during 1960-2019 at 40 meteorological stations in North China, the spatial distribution of temperature and precipitation combination is studied. The SPI (Standardize Precipitation Index) is used to determine the different precipitation year types (flood, normal, and dry). The accumulated temperature anomaly is used to determine different temperature year types (high, normal, and low). The results show that the stations with more high temperature years also have more low temperature years, in general, the frequency of high temperature years is lower in the central of the study region. The frequency of flood years is higher in the north and east of the study area, the spatial distribution has no obvious rule. The connection degree between temperature and precipitation is higher in southwest regions and gradually decreases to the north and east costal region, this can be caused by the frequency of temperature and precipitation opposite year types (high temperature and drought year, low temperature and flood year) is higher in the north and east costal region. The results are of some significance for understanding the distribution of water and heat in the research area, guiding disaster prevention and agricultural planning layout.

  • Ruo-lan LIU, Shan-hu JIANG, Li-liang REN, Lin-yong WEI, Meng-hao WANG, Yu-jie LU
    China Rural Water and Hydropower. 2021, (4):  57-63. 
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    As the successor of TMPA, the Global Precipitation Mission (GPM) IMERG (Integrated Multi-satellitE Retrievals for GPM) products provide a source of precipitation data with greater coverage, longer time series, and higher accuracy and spatial and temporal resolution. Based on gauging daily rainfall from 824 meteorological stations, this paper adopts five extreme precipitation indices (R95pR95pTOTRx1dayRx5day and R25mm) and three statistical metrics (CCBias and rRMSE) to evaluate the extreme precipitation detection capability of IMERG Final product (hereafter IMERG) and compare with the results of TMPA 3B42V7 product (hereafter TMPA 3B42). The result shows that: ① The accuracy of IMERG generally outperforms TMPA 3B42 product with higher CC values and lower rRMSE values of each extreme rainfall indices. ② Except for the underestimation of IMERG in R95p, both IMERG and TMPA 3B42 estimates show overestimation on all five extreme rainfall indices. ③ In extreme rainfall detection, the accuracy of the two satellite products has decreased under complex topography conditions, but IMERG exhibits smaller range and lower level of bias than that of TMPA 3B42. ④ For analyzing the frequency distribution of precipitation with different intensities, the distribution of IMERG is more consistent with gauge precipitation compared to that of TMPA 3B42, but there is underestimation at higher rainfall intensity(>150 mm/d) in both IMERG and TMPA 3B42.

  • Yong ZHANG, Fu WU, Guo-jun ZHAI, Hong-xing DENG
    China Rural Water and Hydropower. 2021, (4):  64-70. 
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    An analysis of multi-time-scale periodic changes of water and sediment in small watersheds can provide a scientific basis for medium and long-term water and sediment prediction, and provide an engineering reference for the multi-scale characteristics of water and sediment sequence in the middle reaches of the Xijiang River. The annual runoff and annual sediment transport data of the Qianjiang Station of the Hongshui River from 1957 to 2016 is selected, and the Mann-Kendall trend test, wavelet analysis and coupling relationship model are used to analyze the main water-sediment series cycle and its multiple time at Qianjiang Station Scale change characteristics. The results show that the annual water-sediment sequence at Qianjiang Station has a downward trend, the multi-scale characteristics are basically the same and the main cycle exists. Human activities, climate fluctuations and water and soil conservation measures have a direct impact on the changes of the water-sediment sequence. The first major cycle of the runoff sequence is 25~30 a, the second major cycle is 13~24 a, and the third major cycle is 3~12 a; the first major cycle of the sediment transport sequence is 20~30 a, and the second major cycle is 9~20 a, The third main period is 3~9 a. On the time scales of 5, 16 and 28 a. Due to the influence of the ecological environment and human activities, the water-sediment sequence has become more turbulent, and the final sediment transport sequence tends to be stable compared to the runoff sequence, and its change is also lagging behind the runoff sequence. In the coupling relationship, R 2 of the runoff sequence is 0.43, and the sediment transport sequence is 0.71. The significance of the sediment transport sequence is higher than that of the runoff sequence; and human activities use science and technology to alleviate the contradictions of the original water and sediment system by affecting the sediment transport system. Even the solution makes the water-sediment system in the middle reaches of the Xijiang River enter the regeneration period.

  • Ji-chang WU, Ming-ming PING, Dao-bin JI, Bin LI, Hui LI
    China Rural Water and Hydropower. 2021, (4):  71-74. 
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    Urban waterfront is an important medium connecting cities and nature. It has irreplaceable functions in other fields such as flood storage and drought relief, soil and water conservation, improvement of urban ecological environment and improvement of regional biodiversity. In recent years, there are many cases of planning and utilizing urban waterfront, but most of the forms are still relatively single. The research on supporting urban theme function, fully embodying ecology, landscape, humanism and culture needs to be studied further. Combined with the current situation at home and abroad, this paper systematically summarizes the current situation of urban waterfront construction and renovation technologies and ideas, and discusses in depth the entirety, ecology, humanistic and diversified urban waterfront areas, combined with the regional culture and other aspects of the study, and puts forward the future direction of waterfront construction and rebuilding.

  • Qing-hua GUAN, Fu-lin LI, Xue-qun CHEN, Ping FENG, Cheng-guang LI, Hai-jiao LIU
    China Rural Water and Hydropower. 2021, (4):  75-80,91. 
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    Jinan spring catchment has four spring groups: Baotu Springs, Heihu Springs, Zhenzhu Springs and Wulongtan Springs. Since the 1950s, the average flow of springs has been decreasing from 36.6×104 m3/d to the current level of 8×104 to 12×104 m3/d. Springs base flow is a component of the relatively stable runoff, which is an important source of downstream river, and it is an important guarantee to maintain the ecosystem health of river course and lake. The paper calculates the base flow of Baotu Springs group in different frequency years, determines the stable base flow index, and calculates the spring base flow in different level years, and the ecological water demand of downstream river is calculated by using the inflection point method. This paper analyzes the relationship between the ecological base flow of spring water and river water demand, reveals the influence of karst springs on the health of rivers, lakes and other ecosystems in Jinan, and provides an important technical support for the protection of springs water in Jinan.

  • Wei LU
    China Rural Water and Hydropower. 2021, (4):  81-84,91. 
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    In order to analyze the value of roughness and influencing factors of grass riverbed, this paper adopts the experimental method of combining the indoor physical model with the natural plant, and selects the common vegetation festuca arundinacea in the river beach of Northeast China, and carries out an experimental analysis of three different flows, two different plant densities, three different plant heights, a total of 21 working conditions. Tests show that the approximate range of natural grass river bed roughness values is 0.033 2 ~ 0.064 1, grass riverbed roughness reduces with the increase in duration of erosion and flows, and increases with the increase in plant density and plant height. Under the same conditions, the resistance of plant height to water flow is more than that of plant density.

  • Ling-hua LIU, Ang LI
    China Rural Water and Hydropower. 2021, (4):  85-91. 
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    As economic and technological levels are underdeveloped in rural areas, finding a viable wastewater treatment solution is a challenge. The construction, operation and maintenance costs of urban aerobic wastewater treatment plants are high and not suitable for rural areas. Anaerobic baffled reactor (ABR) has the characteristic of simple structural design, strong solid biological retention capacity, low sludge yield, high impact resistance, good organic matter treatment and low operating costs,very suitable for rural decentralized wastewater treatment. The development and improvement of ABR reactor in recent years are introduced. The influence of temperature, pH, influent organic matter concentration, hydraulic retention time, reactor start-up, shock load and other factors on the ABR treatment efficiency are summarized. The suitable sewage concentration range of the ABR reactor and the feasibility of its application in rural areas are analyzed, and the combined process based on ABR is introduced.

  • Er-kui YANG, Mi DENG, Jin-bao WAN, Xiao-ling YU, Yong-ming WU
    China Rural Water and Hydropower. 2021, (4):  92-97,106. 
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    The effluent from the anaerobic/aerobic stage of the sewage treatment system has a low ammonia nitrogen concentration and it is difficult to biodegrade. Aming at this characteristic pollutant from this type of wastewater the study is obtained through single factor experiment and response surface design experiment. The optimal reaction parameters of the three-dimensional electrode are as follows: the waste water initial pH is 5.0; the voltage is 9.86 V; the plate spacing is 6.47 cm; the electrolyte concentration is 0.20 mol/L.The final effluent ammonia nitrogen concentration from 140.0 to 34.5 mg/L when it comes to treat the raw water by these parameters. It is lower than the Wastewater Discharge Standard of Poyang Lake Eco-economic District in Jiangxi Province (DB36/852-2015). X-ray diffraction method is used to detect that when the sintering temperature is 200 ℃, the surface of activated carbon is loaded with α-MnO2, β-MnO2 andMn3O4. Then the reaction mechanism of three-dimensional electrode system is analyzed by electrochemical reaction characteristics.

  • Kun ZHANG, De-suo CAI, Jin-cheng LIN, Jian-di SAN, Zi-jun XIE
    China Rural Water and Hydropower. 2021, (4):  98-106. 
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    The diatom index is used to evaluate the water ecological health of Longjiang and Diaojiang, and 16 sample points are set up in the Longjiang and Diaojiang basins for investigation and research. The identification results show that 30 genera and 141 species of diatoms are identified in the Longjiang River Basin, and 138 species of diatoms in 24 genera are identified in the Diaojiang River Basin. The common dominant genera are Navicula, Trichothecium, Nitzschia, Hydracea Heterophaga. For the currently more mature sixteen diatom indexes, the applicability of the diatom indexes is studied through factor analysis, cluster analysis, box diagram analysis and other statistical analysis methods. The results show that most of the diatom indexes are significantly correlated with TP, TN, Cond, pH and extremely significantly correlated with V, and only the WAT index is significantly correlated with NO3-N. Three indexes of IPS, IDG and CEE are selected as reference biological indicators for water quality evaluation in this area. Through a comprehensive judgment of the diatom index, it is concluded that the Longjiang samples are of good and medium water quality, a small part of the Diaojiang samples are of good grade water quality, 73% of the samples are of medium or poor water quality, and the overall water quality of Longjiang is better than that of Diaojiang.

  • Jian-jian DAI, Nan YE, Chao SU, Heng ZHANG, Fan ZHU, Yu-jun MA
    China Rural Water and Hydropower. 2021, (4):  107-112,119. 
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    Aiming at the problem that the river slope in saline soil area is not conducive to plant growth and is easy to corrode concrete and reinforcement, this paper proposes a protection technique using basalt fiber gabion. Taking a soda saline-alkali soil river slope protection as an example, the particle discrete element program PFC2D is used to calibrate the micro-parameters of the soil and basalt fiber gabion, and a discrete element calculation model is established. Considering the effect of seepage, the particle flow strength reduction method is used to analyze the stability of the gabion slope protection under the design flood level and compare it with the original slope. In addition, the stress characteristics of the composite reinforcement that are concerned in the project are studied. The results show that the stability factor of the slope has increased by 40.9% after gabion support is used, the soil in the slope is not damaged and slipped, and the failure mode of the gabion slope protection is shown by the separation between the gabions and the bending and separation of the composite bars. The tensile and compressive stress of the composite bar is much lower than its allowable strength value.

  • Zhu-hao WU
    China Rural Water and Hydropower. 2021, (4):  113-119. 
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    In order to investigate the applicability of the R-2 cross method in ecological flow calculations of small rivers in southern China, the following optimization suggestions are made after analyzing the applicable conditions of the wetted perimeter ratio, the selection of typical cross section, the reasonable selection of other hydraulic parameters and the composite constraints. Considering the assumptions made in the R-2 cross method for the critical condition of wide and shallowrivers it is appropriate for the wetted perimeter ratio parameter to be considered as an evaluation factor rather than a computational factor in stream cross-sections that have been heavily influenced by human modification. Based on an analysis of the relationship between different hydraulic parameters, an optimization method of hydraulic parameters in R-2 cross method is proposed. By calculating the quantitative relationship between water depth and velocity, the h23~u curve is established. With the composite constrained interval, it is convenient and fast to determine the appropriate values of average-depth and average-velocity parameters in R-2 cross method. The typical section suitable for the hydraulic conditions of ecosystem can also be selected from multiple sections by using the optimization method.

  • Yan-mei PENG, Ju-ping CAO, Hong-wei ZHOU, Jun YAO, Hao-yang LI, Hua-xin CHEN, Shen-jun LU
    China Rural Water and Hydropower. 2021, (4):  120-125. 
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    Jinze Reservoir and Songpu Bridge intake are important parts of the Huangpu River Water Supply System, to improve the water quality of Jinze Reservoir and Songpu Bridge intake is of great significance to ensure the safety of water supply in the five southwest districts of Shanghai. This paper studies the Taipu River projects’ actual scheduling in recent years, based on the design and optimization of the graded flow dispatching scheme and the graded water quality dispatching scheme for Taipu sluice, a regular flow graded dispatching scheme and two water quantity and water quality joint dispatching schemes are proposed by using the Taihu basin model which has been updated and refined about water network and pollution sources within key research scope to simulate water quantity and quality.The results show that the water quantity and quality joint dispatching scheme can improve the security of the Huangpu River water supply system by improving both the water level and the key water quality indicators of Jinze Reservoir, reducing days of the concentration of ammonia nitrogen more than 0.8 mg/L, but have limited improvement effects on water quality of Songpu Bridge intake.

  • Kun CHEN, Chao LIU
    China Rural Water and Hydropower. 2021, (4):  126-131. 
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    The Yangtze River waterway is the most important in Southwest China. In recent years, human activities have seriously affected the riverbed evolution of the upper reach of the Yangtze River. By analyzing the measured data of water and sediment in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River from 2005 to 2017, and comparing the combined operation of cascade reservoirs in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River (around 2012), it is found that the hydrological process and sediment transport volume in the lower reaches of cascade reservoirs are greatly affected by the operation of cascade reservoirs. As a result, the average annual bedload and suspended load in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River have decreased by 87% and 98.5%, respectively, compared with that before the completion of the reservoir group. The sediment supply in the lower reaches of the reservoir group is greatly reduced, leading to riverbed scouring and coarsening, and the median particle size of riverbed bed sand is significantly increased compared with that before the completion of the reservoir group. Artificial large-scale sand mining destroys the surface layer of the riverbed of the upper reaches of the Yangtze River, forming local sand pits and resulting in the abnormal evolution of riverbed morphology. Under the continuous construction of cascade reservoirs and the gradual strengthening of sand mining supervision measures, the channel bed downstream of reservoirs is becoming stable.

  • Li-jun ZHAI, Xiao-hong JI
    China Rural Water and Hydropower. 2021, (4):  132-135. 
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    In order to solve the problem that the prestress loss value is higher than the design value after the longitudinal and circumferential prestressed steel strands are tensioned and anchored in the actual construction of prestressed aqueducts, the optimization scheme of circumferential and longitudinal prestressed steel strand layout is formulated according to the tensile stress distribution characteristics of the original design aqueduct without changing the original design shape. Through comparison and analysis, the economic and feasible optimization scheme of prestressed steel strand layout is determined. After the finite element calculation review and the analysis of safety monitoring data after water supply, the aqueduct can meet the requirements of stress and deformation.

  • Ke SU, Wen-wu SONG, Jian-wei SHI, Yue ZHOU, Qiang DENG
    China Rural Water and Hydropower. 2021, (4):  136-140,149. 
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    In order to study the influence of different tip clearance values on the internal flow characteristics and unsteady characteristics of the inducer, this paper uses ANSYS CFX software based on the SST k-ω turbulence model for a high speed centrifugal pump in three different inducer tip clearance ratios (0.01, 0.02, 0.03) under the numerical simulation of internal flow field. The internal flow characteristics of the inducer, the axial cross-section pressure pulsation under 0.6Q d flow conditions and the radial force on the inducer are analyzed. The results show that properly increasing the tip clearance has little effect on the pump head and efficiency, but it can weaken the wall jet, improve the pressure distribution of the blade inlet of the inducer, and improve its cavitation performance. The tip clearance has a greater effect on the pressure pulsation at the inlet of the inducer, and has a smaller effect on the pressure pulsation at the middle and rear of the inducer. For the model in this paper, the radial force distribution is the best when the tip clearance ratio increases to 0.03 under the 0.6Q d flow condition, indicating that an appropriate increase in the tip clearance can help reduce and balance the radial force experienced by the inducer under small flow conditions.

  • Jing-hua ZHAO, Ting-rui YANG, Wen-jun HU, Ayiguli·Wushur, Amat·Amar, Kai-li CHEN
    China Rural Water and Hydropower. 2021, (4):  141-149. 
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    After two years of drip irrigation wheat field experiment, the changes of nitrate nitrogen transport, nitrogen balance and water and nitrogen utilization efficiency of soil in wheat field are studied under different irrigation quota and different nitrogen application levels. The results show that the water consumption and water consumption modulus of each growth stage of wheat in 2 years are all expressed as follows: heading and flowering stage= filling stage > jointing stage and booting stage> tillering stage=mature stage > emergence stage. The nitrate nitrogen content of each treatment at 0~100 cm in each growth period showed a decreasing trend with soil depth, showing the trend of “high and low”. Among them, the soil nitrate nitrogen content has a maximum value in 0~20 cm. The content of nitrate nitrogen at 0~60 cm is directly proportional to the amount of nitrogen applied, and the nitrate nitrogen in the soil layer of 80~100 cm in each growth period varies little under each treatment. When the amount of nitrogen applied is more than 248 kg/hm2, the grain yield does not increase significantly but even decreases, and the nitrogen uptake is affected. When the irrigation amount is more than 390 mm, most of the water is lost because of deep leakage. A large amount of nitrate also leaches with the leakage of water. In this experiment, the leaching loss is the main way, most of nitrate nitrogen is washed into 60 cm the deeper soil with water leakage, and the leaching of nitrate nitrogen is more serious with the increase in nitrogen application rate. The leaching loss is the main way, most of nitrate nitrogen is washed into 60 cm the deeper soil with water leakage, and the leaching of nitrate nitrogen is more serious with the increase in nitrogen application rate. The results of 2 years experiment show that the combination of water and nitrogen with nitrogen application of 179~248 kg/hm2, 40 mm irrigation quota and 390~405 mm has lower apparent loss and higher water and nitrogen utilization efficiency, which is suitable for many gravel sandy soils in arid areas.

  • Min YANG, Shu-qi XUE, Yun-guang JI, Hong-tao LI
    China Rural Water and Hydropower. 2021, (4):  150-153,159. 
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    200QJ50-65 5-stage submersible pump is taken as an example to study the influence of structural parameters on the performance of submersible well pumps to improve the efficiency and ensure the head based on orthogonal test. In the L9 (34) orthogonal table, three factors are selected: the slope of the impeller outlet side, the gap between the impeller outlet and the guide blade inlet, and the width of the guide vane inlet, 3 levels of each factor are taken and then 9 schemes are designed. CFD numerical simulation is used to simulate the full flow field of the first two stages of the pump, and the efficiency and head of 9 schemes under rated working conditions are obtained. By means of orthogonal test and range analysis, the influence law of each factor on efficiency and head and the order of influence of each factor on pump efficiency and head are obtained, and the best matching scheme between the impeller outlet and guide vane inlet parameters is proposed. The results show that the efficiency of the best scheme is improved by 4.88% under rated working conditions, and head of single-stage increased by 2.41 m. Through an analysis of internal flow field, the reasons for the improvement of hydraulic performance of the pump after optimization are obtained.

  • Hong-qin YAN, Li CHENG, Hong-ying JIANG, Zhong-ming XIAO, Mo WANG
    China Rural Water and Hydropower. 2021, (4):  154-159. 
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    In order to explore the influence of different pump bottom forms on the hydraulic performance of the integrated pump station, this paper takes two axial flow pumps as the research object, under a certain flow condition, the influence of circular arc type, elliptical type and slope type on the flow characteristics of the integrated pump station is analyzed. Due to the change of bottom form and the influence of pump water absorption, Among them, the hydraulic efficiency and the uniformity of pump I inlet velocity is about 4% higher than that of pump II, and the weighted average angle of pump I inlet is 1%~3% higher than that of pump II. In the form of arc bottom, there is no obvious difference in the flow pattern distribution, but the efficiency deviation of the two pumps is relatively large. When the arc radius is 2.0 R, the flow rate uniformity and weighted average angle are relatively high, and the flow pattern is relatively good; in the form of ellipse arc bottom, the velocity distribution is good, and the pump efficiency is high, the radius of advancing ellipse arc is 0.2 R. In the form of slope bottom, with the increase of angle, it will cause vortex and even worsen the flow pattern. It is suggested to choose an angle of 30°.

  • Si-ying YAN, Bai-sha WENG, Lan-shu JING, Meng LI
    China Rural Water and Hydropower. 2021, (4):  160-165,170. 
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    Huaihe River Basin is the main crop planting area in China. In order to deeply understand the current situation and characteristics of drought in Huaihe River Basin, this paper explores the law of drought occurrence, and reduces the adverse effects of drought on crops.The Huaihe River Basin is taken as the study area, the soil relative humidity is selected as the drought evaluation index, and the MODIS data from 2010 to 2019 are used as the data source to calculate the apparent thermal inertia index (ATI) and vegetation water supply index (VSWI). Finally, the spatial and temporal distribution characteristics of drought events in the Huaihe River Basin are described through the inversion of soil relative humidity data. The results show that: ① drought occurs in all seasons of the year, and the relationship between the area covered by drought is: winter > autumn > spring > summer. ② The area covered by droughts in the winter wheat growing season is larger than that in summer maize growing season. ③ From the perspective of space, the area covered by droughts is wider in the east, northeast and southwest of Huaihe River Basin, and the area covered by droughts is Southwest and Northeast > Westnorth and Southeast, Northeast > southeast, Southwest > Northwest.

  • Zheng-feng OU, Xiao-lei WANG, Xiao-jun WANG
    China Rural Water and Hydropower. 2021, (4):  166-170. 
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    The comprehensive reform of agricultural water price is the key link of agricultural water-saving work, which is related to national water security and sustainable agricultural development. Based on the current situation of the comprehensive reform of agricultural water price in the implementation area of Guangdong Province, the main contents and practices of the reform include water metering facilities and information construction, agricultural water rights distribution system, water rights trading system, water price formation mechanism, project operation management and protection mechanism, precision subsidies and water-saving incentive mechanism are expounded. The innovation experience and practice are summarized,difficulties in the reform process are analyzed,and relevant suggestions are proposed. The relevant experiences can provide references for other cities in the province and surrounding provinces in south regions to carry out the comprehensive reform of agricultural water price.

  • Fu-xin LI, Jie FU, Fei FAN, Xing-lin WANG
    China Rural Water and Hydropower. 2021, (4):  171-176. 
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    In order to explore the effect of the blade outlet filing on the unsteady performance of a centrifugal pump, the pressure surface and suction surface of the blade outlet of a centrifugal pump with a specific speed of 180 are filed with two thicknesses respectively.The standard k-ε turbulence model of ANSYS-CFX software is used to simulate the unsteady flow of each scheme. Comparison and analysis of the effects of different blade outlet filing schemes on the external characteristics, internal flow field, pressure fluctuation and radial force of centrifugal pump. The research results show that the centrifugal pump blade outlet pressure surface filing scheme PS1, PS2 can increase the hydraulic efficiency of the centrifugal pump by 1.1% and 1.5% respectively, but it will reduce the head to a certain extent. The suction surface filing scheme SS1, SS2 can make the head of the centrifugal pump increase by 6.3% and 7.1% respectively, but it will reduce the hydraulic efficiency to a certain extent. The static pressure of the diffusion section and the outlet of the volute can be increased by filing the suction surface,meanwhile, the uniformity of velocity distribution in impeller and volute channel is reduced, but the opposite is true for filing on the pressure surface. All of the four schemes can improve the pressure pulsation in the volute flow path of centrifugal pump to a certain extent, and reduce the energy loss of pressure pulsation, of which PS2 is the best. PS2, SS1 and SS2 can reduce the radial force of the impeller and increase the radial force of the tongue to a certain extent, and SS2 has the most obvious effect.Comprehensive analysis shows that PS2 is the best plan to file the pressure surface at the blade outlet, which makes the performance of centrifugal pump best.

  • Li-jun CAO, Chao MA, Wen-zhe PENG, Wei WANG, Guo-wen XIONG
    China Rural Water and Hydropower. 2021, (4):  177-181,187. 
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    In order to improve the anti-seepage performance of peripheral joints of concrete faced rockfill dam and explore the deformation law of “W” type copper water stop, the shear tests of “W” type copper water stop under different expand and settlement displacements are carried out by using self-made loading platforms, and the relationship between deformation and shear failure displacement of copper water stop is obtained by fitting. It is also revealed that the greater the expand and settlement displacement is, the earlier the copper water stop produces buckling instability. What’s more, combined with the finite element analysis, the deformation characteristics of copper water stop under different displacements are discussed, and the influence of structural length of water stop on shear failure displacement is also studied. Based on the results,it is concluded that under small expand and settlement displacements, the longer the bending length of copper water stop nose is, the stronger the ability of copper water stop to adapt to deformation is.

  • Jun MIAO, Xue-xing CAO, Huan-feng QIU, Rui-lin CHENG
    China Rural Water and Hydropower. 2021, (4):  182-187. 
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    Among ultra-high core wall rockfill dams, planned and designed in China at present, except for 240 m Changhe Dam with deep overburden, the other projects remove the entire overburden and weak rock and pour the concrete cushion to fill it up. As the connection part of impervious core and bedrock, the force of the concrete cushion is complicated and influenced by many factors. The stress and deformation behaviors of concrete cushion of 315 m ultra-high core wall rockfill dam are studied by finite element calculation. The numerical results show that for high core wall rockfill dam with the “V” shaped deep canyon, most of the dam pressure spreads to the band slope. The concrete cushion experiences a large deformation in the middle and lower part of the bank slope, which will lead to the excessive transverse tensile stress of the concrete cushion in the middle of the riverbed. The dam pressure and the core wall arch effect will lead to the excessive longitudinal tensile stress of concrete cushion between the boundary of core wall and inverted filter. Reasonable setting of the joint and increasing the thickness can effectively reduce the tensile stress of concrete cushion.

  • Run-de ZHANG, Ya-hui DUAN, Chao-yang FANG, Qiu-fan CHEN, Dong-li ZHONG, Jin-zhao LI
    China Rural Water and Hydropower. 2021, (4):  188-191,200. 
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    Pipe cooling is one of the most commonly used temperature control measures during the construction period of mass concrete. Manual operation is labor-intensive and costly. According to the characteristics of temperature control for the ship lock structure concrete, based on the related specifications and the experience of intelligent control of water cooling for the underground hydraulic lining concrete, three intelligent control parameters of water cooling (time for water cooling, water temperature and temperature falling velocity) for structural concrete are determined. Furthermore, the control objectives of internal temperature curve and technical methods for intelligent control are proposed. According to the research findings, intelligent control device is developed and applied to the bottom plate of upper lock head in Qingyuan second-line ship lock. The practice has shown that the maximum internal temperature and temperature falling velocity of the concrete inside the bottom plate of upper lock head are all controlled within the allowable range, which fully verifies the scientificity and applicability of technical methods such as “full-time water cooling during temperature rise stage to reduce the maximum temperature, intermittent water cooling during temperature drop stage to control water flow and temperature falling velocity” and the control of termination time for water cooling. What is more, the intelligent control device can easily be operated and relied on in performance. Consequently, the adopted methods and techniques deserve further promotion and application.

  • Zhi-qiang WANG, Hao ZHANG, Yu-min PENG
    China Rural Water and Hydropower. 2021, (4):  192-194,200. 
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    The prediction accuracy of temperature prediction model based on machine learning depends on the number of fault samples. The number of unit fault samples is limited. And fault samples from different pumped store power station are often not interchangeable. The generation technology and sensitivity test technology of fault samples are proposed in this paper. It provides fault samples and test technology for intelligent trend judgment algorithm. The test can completely cover the trend characteristics under fault conditions. The limitation of relying on the fault samples is overcome. The quantitative evaluation for the implementation effect of intelligent technology is achieved. Intelligent technology parameter adjustment, selection of appropriate algorithms and implementation means are provided with index support. The verification of the implementation effect of the intelligent technology is realized in advance to avoid losses and uncertain influences caused by the verification through actual projects.

  • Yi-peng ZHANG, Tao HONG, Xiao-yin ZHANG, Zheng-gui LI, Yuan-wei WU
    China Rural Water and Hydropower. 2021, (4):  195-200. 
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    The prototype of the Chaijiaxia Power Station as the research object, numerical simulation is carried out to systematically research the phenomenon of cavitation in the turbine runner. By changing the distance of the tip gap, the cavitation phenomenon of different flange clearances of bulb tubular turbines is simulated, by comparing the occurrence of cavitation with different gaps, the effect of flange clearance value on the cavitation performance of the turbine runner and the pressure fluctuation of the flow field are analyzed. The results show that the cavitation in the runner mainly occurs at the suction side of blade near the outlet edge and the hub clearance, increased clearance value causes intense cavitation at the blade edge due to the leakage flow of the position between the blade and the wheel chamber, the fluid is repulsed by the main flow of the runner and combined with the secondary flow and back flow, gap leakage flow can easily form vortex, which causes the pressure here to decrease. The blade pressure fluctuation shows periodic changes, and the vibration sensitivity caused by the pressure fluctuation of the blade is more than that at the middle of the blade and at the hub, the gap value is far from the design value, the pressure amplitude changes more drastically.

  • Xu FANG, Xiao-Bo FENG
    China Rural Water and Hydropower. 2021, (4):  201-206,211. 
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    In this paper, the copula function is combined with efficient Monte Carlo Method, methods which can efficiently analyze the slope reliability problem involving correlated random variables are proposed. Two rock slope stabilities are studied to verify the effectiveness of the proposed methods as examples. The results show that these methods are more efficient than the direct Monte Carlo Method and the accuracy of the results is guaranteed. Based on the copula function which can be used to construct the joint distribution of different related structural parameters of rock and soil mass, efficient Monte Carlo Method (Monte Carlo important sampling method and subset simulation) can efficiently deal with the slope reliability problem with correlated random variables. Comparing with the existing Nataf transformation method, the results can reflect real geotechnical slope stability more. In addition, the methods can efficiently analyze the reliability of slope with complex implicit functions. The results expand the application of Monte Carlo important sampling method and subset simulation in slope reliability analysis.

  • Hai-yun YANG, An-yi CHEN, Ze-qin CHEN, Jin-ping HE
    China Rural Water and Hydropower. 2021, (4):  207-211. 
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    In China, dam group safety monitoring has become the major trend of dam safety management of hydropower stations, due to the mode of river basin cascade hydroelectric development, the main responsibility for dam safety by the owner, and the power system of separation of power generation and transmission. In this study, based on the summary of hydropower development mode and dam safety monitoring and management system, the basic connotation is discussed about dam group and dam group monitoring, a classification method is proposed with the basin dam group, the regional dam group and the power grid dam group, the basic content is analyzed to the object, scope and system of dam group safety monitoring, and the key technical problems are studied such as construction of the dam group monitoring platform, intelligent technology of dam group monitoring and risk analysis of dam group safety.

  • Shao-wei LU, Zhao-hui WENG, Yong HUANG, Cai-hong WANG
    China Rural Water and Hydropower. 2021, (4):  212-215. 
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    The Dammed Lake of Fangxian in Hubei Province was formed due to the landslide in June 2011. As a result of the tight construction period, the landslide has not been disposed, which makes the construction difficult in the follow-up treatment. In this design, in accordance with the principle of “undisturbed landslide body”, triple protection measures are adopted, the first is weir top protection, the second is to arrange the first permeable concrete gravity dam at the weir foot, and the third is to arrange the second permeable concrete gravity dam at the downstream. Through triple protection, the bed load is effectively prevented from moving downstream, the risk of dam break is eliminated, and the long-term stability of dammed lake is realized. The design of the permeable concrete gravity dam proposed in this paper reduces the upstream water pressure and uplift pressure of the foundation, increases the anti-sliding stability and anti-overturning, reduces the engineering quantity and investment.