Aiming at a new type of hydraulic turbine with radial distribution of impellers for cooling towers, this paper designs a special volute suitable for the turbine, which, for the first time in structure, adopts the axial effluent transitioning from circular truncation to elliptical section, which not only can effectively save the interior space of the cooling tower, but also has considerable water diversion performance. In this paper, the design and optimization of the volute are based on the combination of theoretical analysis and CFD numerical simulation, and the pressure and velocity distribution of the volute sections are obtained according to the distribution diagram from CFD calculation. With the analysis of the velocity vectogram of volute outlet, the distribution characteristics of nominal circular circumference velocity, random point axial velocity and circumference velocity moment on ring surface of volute outlet are concluded. The results show that the hydraulic performance of the volute is consistent with the theoretical design and it has high practical value.
冷却塔 /
水轮机 /
轴向出水 /
蜗壳 /
{{custom_keyword}} /
Key words
cooling tower /
hydraulic turbine /
axial outflow /
volute /
{{custom_keyword}} /
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